'The' Blog

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Too many things happening ....

Too many things are happening , all at once in my life ....


Second : I am getting spiritually inclined ! I used to be a firm atheist , but recently I have started believing in the existance of some phenomenen that underlies everything. And this is not because of some baba etc..... I posted another blog on the same , so if u want to read this , visit here. I am reading this book called the celestine prophecy (James Redfield)... not a very well written book , but with every page , I become more convinced that there is more to human life than what science told us.

Third : My mother does not keep well and I get so worried sometimes .... she's gotten a lot of diseases , but that does not make her sick. It is sth in her mind... she just can't accept the fact that she is no more in perfect state of health. This makes her even more sad ... and this intensifies her already diseased condition . She is heading to terminal sickness ... and I can't help it...she will not listen. But I am happy now .. she is finally trying to come out . Yet sth saddening happens and she returns to her original state.

Other things happening are that I am not losing weight . Not that I am trying very hard but can't some miracle happen ? ;-)