Bomb blasts hit two theatres in Delhi. Both the halls were showing Sunny Deol's 'Jo Bole Sonihal" ... one mans crusade against presumably everyone who happens to say anything against India/Indians ..
There have been lots of speculation as to who was responsible for the blast .. it could be the terrorists (always responsible for all the blasts .. life is a huge Diwali for them) , it could be one of the million other groups who love to go kaboom now and then .. but I'd say it was a terribly bored viewer who decided to bomb the halls so that such kind of crap does not hit the halls again.
So the people who got realy bored seeing the movie , went to the loo .. and went kaboom. Another reason one should never go out to see such crap.
In the same incident .. I saw Aaj Tak , the news channel cover the thing up. The reporter who was covering it up almost went to the ICU with a person who was being taken to the hospital for some first aid. The reporter was asking all kinds of questions .. like where you were when the bomb happned to blast (since he was the only one there who didn't know that the blast happned in the loo) .. then they were interviewing this other person who had all his hair burnt and all that .. One of the questions was :
"What movie were you watching ?"
"This movie starring Dharaminder's son .."
C'mon .. can't you see the posters .. I mean first the reporter didn't know where the blast took place , and then he doesn't know which movie was playing. For finding the first piece of info , he followed a patient to the casuality ward tormenting him like hell .. and for the second ... well he could have picked up a newspaper or asked someone else , since he was the only one who didn't know which movie was playing ... and they say that Aaj Tak is the 'Sabse tez channel'
My take on all this is ... never go out to watch this kinda crap. You never know ..
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