This post can get a bit sad.
I want to write something really beautiful.
I can't write anything remotely beautiful.
Mockery is my forte .. and I'm tired of it, not on the blog, elsewhere.
I'm tired of joking around laughing everything out.
I'm tired of not performing.
I want to drink a lot.
I am tired of engineering.
Why should I post this crap ?
She started blogging.
She writes so beautifully .. I may fall for her again.
I want to play the guitar really fast. So fast that ..
What is life ?
Who is John Galt ?
I don't know what exactly I want to do.
And this life ?
What lies ahead ?
A vortex of thoughts.
No don't comment and tell me to cheer up ..
I'll be ok tomorrow.
Nah .. it didn't get sad.
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