Agrrrrh ....
I just hate last days of the semester. And today was the last day .. the final day of teaching .. and I had to submit 15 assignments of 1 subject , 5 of some other subject , and 3 of a third subject. Besde this .. there were 2 practical files to be submitted .. And you know what do we do in all these assignments and files ? COPY ... copy from books , copy from freinds , copy from old files .. copy copy copy .. for marks .. just for them marks .
For three days now I have been sleeping at 3 in the night and getting up at 7 in the morning . For a lazy person like me .. this is hell. I mean I need my quota of 8 hrs of sleep everyday ..
And on top of all this .. a last minute scare ... I am short of attendance. Some new rule takes it out of teachers' hands to give attendance .. and if 75% of attendance is compulsory .. then about half of my class gets to miss the exams .. now, not giving the exams is not that bad .. but having to give it the next year is bad ... Anyways .. so the last minute scare .. that I'll be falling short of attendance what do I do ? I run to get a fake medical certificate .. when I come back .. there is news that the list of detainees would be put shortly. Finally .. someone comes with the news that dean has shifted the limit to 50% attendance. Phew .. what a sigh of relief ...
Imagine .. 10 of my classmates had a medical certificate from the same doctor .. an orthopaedics doctor .. so everybody was supposed to be having some bone injury !
So .. I had thought I won't be posting before my exams .. but I don't think that'll be quite possible .. :)
And one thing more ... have you heard Indian Ocean ? (the band) .. well if you haven't .. then I'd say you are seriously missing something .... their music is pure ecstacy. It is difficult to classify them into a genre .. but they could be called Fusion in some sense . They have classical lyrics (not always) playing with electric guitars which that Sushmit guy plays really well. Their latest album is the soundtracks for the movie 'Black Friday' .. and it is awsome .. must buy ... If you intend to download their music .. then I'd suggest the following tracks : Bhor, Kaun, Ma Rewa, Torrent, Bandeh, Karam bhap ke, Badshah in jail.